Tuesday 31 January 2012

joomla rentalot plus - combining the calendar view and booking page - notes

In Joomla Rentalot Plus I'm trying to combine a page so that the calendar view appears above the date selector.

This is what I know -

* the calendar is called on the page components/com_rentalotplus/views/daily/view.html.php

at line 136 we see the code

[code]// draw the daily view

if (count($items) == 0)
echo '

'.JText::_('COM_RENTALOTPLUS_NO_PRICE_UNIT').' ('.$date_from.' - '.$date_to.')

echo LA_daily_view::draw_daily_view($items, $classic_model, $this->config_data, $unit_id, $this->current_currency_row->code, $currency_symbol, $currency_format);

I would like this view to be seen as well at this point in the code


under line 98.

The problem i have is calling from outside an object and not use $this

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